free variations genre

photos by Michal Rešetka
Miroslav Tóth - soprano sax., voice, microbrute
Ádám Móser - accordion, accordina, bagpipe
Áron Porteleki - drums, 3-string viola, objects
Thisnis is an echo whitin our bodies, searching for images of sounds, rush, perceptions, signs, symbols and everything that remains in the three of us. In the moment of playing we try to connect everything in our common music memory. Thisnis is, therefore, free from any specific musical genre, style or any commandment, model or rule that defines a form. With every concert, we would like to go to new musical worlds. Together with the audience we explore areas that we’ve never reached yet. That’s why we don´t like when we are separated from the audience and divided into band and listeners – those concerts when the audience sits far on their seats in the dark somewhere, we can’t even see who we are playing to. We love to play acoustic without amplification, with people seated close around us, so we can feel better how they are sharing the music with us. A much more concentrated music is being created in a situation like this.
Thisnis is a Hungarian – Slovakian free improvisation band focused on special experimental variation techniques during a performance. Their music can be described as meta-genre variations. This predisposition opens up a concept of creating different songs, styles, genres and dramaturgy from concert to concert. Thisnis was founded in Pragure during a recording for Werner Fritsche's radioplay titled as Shakespeare's Skull. The band is primarily active in Budapest, but also touring in Europe. Drummer Áron Porteleki, accordionist Ádám Móser and saxophonist Miroslav Tóth also played together in Funeral Marching Band.
Thisnis je maďarsko-slovenská improvizační kapela zaměřená na speciální experimentální techniky. Hudbu skupiny můžeme popsat jako meta-žánrove variace. Tato predispozice otevírá koncept tvorby různých písní, hudební poezie, stylů a žánrů během koncertů. Thisnis byl založen během natáčení rozhlasové hry Wernera Fritsche, Shakespeare's Skull v Praze. Skupina je aktivní především v Budapešti. Bubeník Áron Porteleki, akordeonista Ádám Móser a saxofonista Miroslav Tóth také hráli společně ve Funeral Marching Bandu.
His voice (CZ):
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